Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bicycle wheel animations

Check out these incredible LED bicycle wheel animation using the SpokePOV kit. Mario scoring points, a running mouse, rock'em sock'em bots and Duck Hunt!

The spokepov kit includes electronic parts and circuit board for one basic configuration Road/MTB SpokePOV with 4K of memory (for 4 animation images) and 60 high brightness LEDs (30 on each side).

Available in red, yellow, green and blue. All colors can be used in MTB/road wheels (9.5" wheel radius minimum) and red and yellow in BMX (6.5" wheel radius minimum). The Pacman/Ghost image shows a yellow set and blue set of SpokePOVs. The Biohazard image below shows a set of red. One single SpokePOV fits in one wheel, you can add as many SpokePOVs to a wheel as you'd like get a better image. With one spoke, persistence at a speedy 15mph. Two spokes for cruising at 10mph.

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